Farm Visit – Green House & Aquaponics
We have organised a farm visit to learn the latest techniques used in farming. We visited a green house farm, in which they are using latest techniques and also aquaponics. During the event our Ann and Annetts plucked tomatos and vegetables from the plants directly and prepared a tasty meal for all. While our Rtn Kanakaraj’s inlaws cooked Kongu special chicken dishes to all.
Program: District Priorities – Our Lovely Planet Earth – Soil Mattter, Club Service Family Meeting/Activity, Environment Other event – Environment.
117th Rotary Birthday Bash
We celebrated Rotary Birthday with Anns and Annettes at Rtn Justin’s residence. Ann Gowreswari Justin baked Rotary theme cake for the birthday, while she also made lip smacking dinner for the all the participants. We have also enrolled in the Bake your Rotary cake & celebrate Rotary Day
Program: Club Service Fireside Meeting, Club Service Family Meeting/Activity.
Rain Water Harvesting
We have invited Rtn Nitish Ganesh, Founder – Rain Beaver to talk about Rain Harvesting in the urban and rural setup. It was a very informative meeting and all the members who participated appreciated the event.
Program: District Priorities – Our Lovely Planet Water – Aqua Mind, Club Service Speaker Meeting, Water, sanitation, and hygiene Rainwater harvesting/Well recharge.